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1. To promote community peace-building, in solving Traditional conflict.

2. To develop model rural Learning Centers in Sierra Leone.  Africa is our terget.

3. To promote micro-finance entrepreneurship rural and urban for self-sufficiency.

4. To encourage education and cultural exchange programs.

5. To provide and assist in the care of street children by the establishment of

feeding programs and homes.

6. To raise, mobilize and disburse funds and other resources for the promotions

of the Organization.

7. To advocate for the right of Children, Women, Youths.

8. To partner with other NGO's.

This is the "Aftermath of War". This is Post Conflict. " The Lesser always suffer for the Greater.


1. To establish, operate and promote Community Peacebuilding, Charitable and Educational Institutions, Orphanage, Network and Partner with NGO'S Organisations to enhance, and consolidate Peace and Unity, Nationally and Internationally.

2. To establish or assist in the provision and promotion of feeding programs

and/or homes for street children, AIDS victims, orphans, etc by rental and/or

construction of homes, maintenance, and support of such programs.

3. To promote Youth empowerment schemes, and programs

4. To promote and enhance International Relations, education, cultural exchange

and world peace across the globe through "Friends Across the Ocean", a

student interaction project.



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