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Emmanuel has Diploma in Theology, BA in Theology from the "West Africa Advanced School of Theology" Togo Lome. In the year 2011 he attended the "Graduate School of Chinese Social Science" (GSCASS) Beijing China, where he study Social Economic Development" for Africa Countries. He work as a Pastor and Human Activist. While working as a Pastor He developed the passion to help people. He establish his own Non-profit Organization call "Network For Wanword" and later worked with a lot of NGO'S such as Council of Churches, Red Cross Society, and other profit enterprise such as "Commodity For Agricultural Enterprise" which he later transformed as partly non-profit.
He is well Known in the northern part of Sierra Leone for his passion to unite the body of Christ through his program call "ecumenism" .
After the ten year civil war in Sierra Leone he help in facilitate the concept of Democracy, Free and fair election, under the umbrella of " Peace and Reconciliation" program, in which he was award a certificate of merit by the Council of Church in Sierra Leone (CCSL).
As his passion increases, he later traveled to the United State of America and study "Conflict" at the Eastern Mennonite University. VA, in-order to increase his knowledge in handling Post Conflict issues, such as Trauma, Resilience, Restorative Justice, which are now eating his the nation of Sierra Leone. Emmanuel has passion for Youths, Children, Disables, and the fight against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

About us

The "Network for Wanword" is a local NGO located in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Our Focus is to Promote and Enhance Community Peace building through networking with national and International organizations to bring sustainable development to our community.

The Network for Wanword is works with the members of our communities in resolving traditional Conflicts, advocating for the rights of Women and Children, and We are involved in the Fight against poverty, helping people with disabilities, promoting and developing access to quality Education, and providing safe clean water for communities desperately in need of it.


Contact us:

Out of Sierra Leone:

Telephone: (001) 5714776774.

Sierra Leone:

​Telephone: 076547571, 080020313



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We are Member of "World Non Governmental Organisation (WANGO). Memebr of "Peace and Collaborative Developmet Network (pcdn)

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